The ECLI-BG project partners – Apis Europe and The Union of Bulgarian Jurists – are organising an international conference on “The European Case Law Identifier (ECLI) and the introduction of open standards for legal documents in Europe”. The conference will be held on April 24, 2018, in the Grand Salon of Sofia, 7 Pirotska Str., […]

On 21 December 2017, the ECLI-BG project coordinator ‘Apis Europe’ JSC entered into a subcontract to launch the actual work on the implementation of the European case law identifier ECLI within the national portal for publication of judicial acts established by the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC): The portal is also known by the abbreviation […]

The ECLI-BG project partners Apis Europe JSC and the Union of Jurists in Bulgaria, with the assistance of IT experts from the Supreme Judicial Council, the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court, prepared a proposal for the specification of the Bulgarian ECLI identifier. The proposal is now published on the ECLI-BG project […]

More than 100 jurists (including judges, judicial staff, prosecutors, lawyers and legal experts) and IT professionals in the judicial system took part in the International expert workshop on “The introduction of ECLI in Bulgaria in the context of the implementation of e-Justice”, which took place on 4 October 2017 in Sofia. The workshop was organised […]

The ECLI-BG project partners – The Union of Bulgarian Jurists and Apis Europe, are organising an international expert workshop on “The introduction of ECLI in Bulgaria in the context of the implementation of e-Justice”. The seminar will take place on 4 October 2017 in Sofia. Deputy Managing Director of Apis Europe Mr. Hristo Konstantinov will […]

On 01.07.2017, the implementation of the ECLI-BG project has started. The duration of the project is 18 months and its implementation activities will end on 31.12.2018. ECLI-BG is being implemented by the major legal information provider in Bulgaria – Apis Europe JSC, in partnership with the most influential non-governmental organisation of bulgarian jurists – The […]

Two representatives of the ECLI-BG project coordinator APIS received invitations and participated in the ECLI International Conference, which took place in the Greek capital of Athens on the 8th and 9th June 2017. Hristo Konstantinov, Deputy Managing Director, and Lachezar Tsvetkov, a member of the editorial team of EuroCases, a product providing access to Member […]

A proposal for a new version of the ECLI standard, provisionally called ECLI 2.0, was presented at a conference in Athens by Prof. Monika Palmirani, lecturer at the University of Bologna, Italy. The proposal was developed by an expert team of the BO-ECLI (Building on ECLI) project, funded under the Justice Program of the European […]