Project activities are divided in five work packages:
Work package 1: Management and Coordination of the Project
- Objectives
- To ensure the proper and smooth fulfilment of all obligations and duties imposed by the Grant Agreement and the Consortium Agreement
- To perform planning, internal progress control and evaluation of project progress
- To ensure that project work achieves the highest quality measured against defined objectives and quantitative indicators and to provide reliable procedures for continuous risk assessment and monitoring
- To set up internal communications and ensure timely organisation of consortium
- Activities
- Consortium coordination
- Administrative management
- Internal communication
- Quality assurance and risk management
Work Package 2: Technical Specification and Software Requirements
- Objectives
- To analyse the current situation with publication of case law on the Centralised Web Interface for publication of judicial decisions (Centralised Web Interface) and to identify the needed improvements of the existing infrastructure with a view of ECLI introduction
- To study the latest technical specifications of the ECLI standard, the ECLI implementation tool for establishinginterconnection with the ECLI search engine developed by the EC and the relevant supporting documentation
- To prepare a proposal specifying the composition of the “Bulgarian” ECLI number and the set of optional metadatato be provided to the ECLI search engine and deliver it to the ECLI coordinator for final approval
- To specify the software and hardware requirements for ECLI implementation within the Centralised Web Interfaceand produce a technical specification of a conversion module for ECLI-XML generation
- Activities
- State of play analysis
- Specification of the composition of the ECLI identifier of Bulgarian judicial decisions and the optional metadata to be provided to the ECLI search engine
- Specification of the requirements for ECLI implementation within the Centralised Web Interface
Work Package 3: ECLI Implementation and Interconnection with the e-Justice Portal
- Objectives
- To implement ECLI in the daily routine procedure for publishing new case law on the Centralised Web Interface
- To introduce retroactively ECLI identifier for all historic judicial decisions already published on the Centralised Web Interface making them searchable by their ECLI number on the portal
- To establish interconnectivity with the ECLI search engine on the e-Justice Portal, thus enabling legal practitioners, businesses and citizens across Europe to access Bulgarian case law
- Activities
- Preparation and conclusion of subcontract for improvement of the Centralised Web Interface with the view of the ECLI introduction, and control over the implementation
- Development of a conversion module for generation of ECLI-XML
- Introduction of ECLI and establishment of interconnection with the e-Justice Portal
- Testing and putting into operation the integration with the ECLI search engine
Work Package 4: Promotion of ECLI and EU online legal resources
- Objectives
- To present and promote the recent “ECLI-compliant” changes in the Centralised Web Interface
- To elucidate the benefits of using ECLI identifier for legal citations of judgments of the Bulgarian courts, the EU Court of Justice and the courts of other EU Member States
- To promote the ECLI search engine, the various systems on the European e-Justice Portal and other Pan-European resources and services offering cross-border legal information
- To conduct training to a substantial part of legal practitioners in Bulgaria on the legal background of the judicial cooperation in the EU and how the ECLI search engine can help them to find case law of Member States’ courts in cross-border cases
- To provide knowledge and skills to trainees for using the variety of Pan-European cross-border legal information services provided by the EU institutions, such as EUR-Lex, N-Lex, Dec.Nat, JuriFast, as well as the machine translation service MT@EC
- Activities
- Elaboration of promotional and training materials and webpages
- “Train the trainers” sessions
- Promotional and training seminars for legal practitioners across the country
Work Package 5: Dissemination and Communication
- Objectives
- To actively inform legal practitioners, businesses and citizens in Bulgaria about the project and the ECLI standard
- To draw the attention of the Bulgarian legal community to the need of elaboration and application of uniform rules for legal citations to Bulgarian and EU legislation and case law
- To liaise with other national and cross-border projects for ECLI implementation
- To establish and maintain an engaging and informative project website
- To elaborate and distribute appropriate dissemination and communication materials
- To organise an expert workshop, an international conference and a round table discussion with the purpose to promote and communicate the project and its results
- Activities
- External dissemination and communication of project results
- Expert dialogue and public discussions